The 2023-2024 Short Mat Season
The Short Mat season started on 4th October.
COVID Safe rules may still apply so please keep up to date with the current details and make yourself aware of our rules.
Play for the Don Howes Aggregate Trophy will take place on Monday, Wednesday, Friday with two session a day at 10:00 and 14:00. the booking folder is in the clubhouse.
The charge will be at £2 per session
As usual the player with the best ten scores at the end of the season will win.
A "Short Mat Bookings" file is available in the Clubhouse for players to enter their names on the day of their choice. You should only enter your name on TWO of the sessions available in a week.
Should you wish to play on more than two days you may enter your name as a "Reserve" on the day of your choice and if there are fewer than the 6 names "above the line" then players on the "Reserve" list may play. However, your score when playing as a reserve will not be count towards the Aggregate.